Human beings are used to the natural privilege of perceiving the world in stereoscopic 3D. By means of a stereoscopic optical microscope every one is also able to get an intimate 3D glance at the micro-world. Until recently the ability to record the streams of micro-objects’ images have been limited to 2D mode, which sacrifices fine details of the viewed objects, the depth of vision and, thus, the fluency of perception.
Today the ability frontier is considerably advanced thanks to the OctoNus 3D Digital Microscope (OctoNus 3DDM), which offers 3D stereo technology throughout the watching - recording - displaying - analyzing stages of a study, both to local and global teams.
Real-time teamwork is limited to 1-2 operators
A 2D camera provides low-quality, unrealistic images and no sense of depth
Real-time stereo images are viewable by a group of people simultaneously
High-quality stereoscopic 3D images can be displayed on high-resolution TVs, PC monitors, laptop screens or projectors
3D digital tools are available (for measurements, instructions, annotations, etc.)